the Lao Govt should provide loans for student who needs to pay tuition, how is i idea?
This is very excellent idea Brother,But, where do they'' the government'' gonna get the fund from ?? i would like to see our lao government spend heavily on this field(Education) and make it mandatory to all our laokids, have to know how to read and write( pasalao) atleast, finish a high School don't you think??. but too bad the government spent very little fund on this field. i remembered when i was home visiting my families, i rode my motor-bike from my hometown Sikhay all the way up to Piawat elementary school, and i saw most of the school building kindda old but still can be use.. Think about it, it' really hurt....
the Lao Govt should provide loans for student who needs to pay tuition, how is i idea?
This is very excellent idea Brother,But, where do they'' the government'' gonna get the fund from ?? i would like to see our lao government spend heavily on this field(Education) and make it mandatory to all our laokids, have to know how to read and write( pasalao) atleast, finish a high School don't you think??. but too bad the government spent very little fund on this field. i remembered when i was home visiting my families, i rode my motor-bike from my hometown Sikhay all the way up to Piawat elementary school, and i saw most of the school building kindda old but still can be use.. Think about it, it' really hurt....
15.5 millions USD from world bank must be spent in a right way and help poor kids to get higher education, it is very important for our country. 15.5 million USD , hopefully it can be helped our school and education system in Laos.