I would like to ask you about LTC connection, because it was got a problem last week. So, many peoples who using the LTC network can not connected with other network as well. Today I visited the forums on Mahasane website; I saw so many topics they’re talked about the good or bad of network connection in Laos.
I agree with some topics there, they said that the big problem is be coming from their equipments, because the equipment that they have it’s not the good one. I also heard that Electson Companies they have provided that equipment for LTC’s.
I think, it may not really the good equipments, that why LTC companies they’re getting the big problem with network connection. And I don’t know why the technician’s not checking with them.
I am the one of LTC customer’s for a long time. So, the day that LTC network connectivity is fall downs I got a lot of problems, because I can not contact or communicated with other of my customer’s as well. Someone may think that is not the big problems because the network is fall down only few days. But me and business it’s the big problems.
However, LTC companies should be fixing and leave the technician’s to solve this problem as well for the next future, as every one known the SEA Game goanna be on December 2009. So, please make sure that does will not get any problems on that time.
So, if someone knows about that please gives me any comments.
I argree with you guys. LTC should be think about this probles as well. And they should find and know the result what is the problem coming from? where?