Rice when eaten and metabolized in the body is eventually converted into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar, its classified as carbohydrate, right?
That is why diabetics are advised to regulate intake of rice. Dont you know that after a rice meal, body's blood glucose level can rapidly shoot up within 30 minutes after eating?
Please eat jusmine rice and sticky rice made in USA... dont eat rice product of Thailand,because cutting down sex..not heathy.. need more power sex eat rice product of USA or LAOS..
Please eat jusmine rice and sticky rice made in USA... dont eat rice product of Thailand,because cutting down sex..not heathy.. need more power sex eat rice product of USA or LAOS..
How can I find the dog meat in the suppermarket in the US? I wanted to cook this traditional Laos food
Sticky Rice is low class food. I only eat American Hamburger and Italian Pizza.
Oh I thought Sticky Rice is the high class food and hard to find to eat but American Hamburger and Pizza are for only low class and poor Lao-American to eat?
sticky rice Homali help older people more sex.... I love sex 5 times a day...because I eat sticky rice .... no matter you are gay..tom,,,Kateuy... tell you friend eat more sticky ...
tell you friends it does't matter what kind of rice you eat.. I eat same sice my friend Mr Thacsin srinawat,now he will win new game Thai boxing... Mr Thaksin srinawat is our new best friend for all lao people...
all kind of rice is good... did you see my best friend Mr Thaksin Srinawat will win new game Thai boxing.He is smart because he all rice... Mr Thaksin Srinawat is our best friend .. love Thaksin Srinawat...welcome..
tell you friends it does't matter what kind of rice you eat.. I eat same sice my friend Mr Thacsin srinawat,now he will win new game Thai boxing... Mr Thaksin srinawat is our new best friend for all lao people...
haha...why didnt they ask. what kind of condom do laonok use??lol