Govt agencies ordered to cut back on New Year parties
The government has approved a prime ministerial order which aims to save several hundred million kip by cutting back on lavish New Year's Day receptions hosted by government bodies, according to a senior Ministry of Finance official.
The order also aims to encourage government organisations to use electricity, fuel and office materials more efficiently as part of efforts to reduce unnecessary government expenditure at a time when the country is facing revenue challenges due to the global economic crisis.
The ministry's Office Head, Mr Sila Viengkeo, said on Friday that Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh had signed the order last month, advising state organisations nationwide to stop spending the government's money on extravagant parties, even on special occasions.
The government advised its agencies to mark special occasions with lectures and seminars to review the progress of their work instead of hosting large receptions with imported food and drinks, he said.
Many state organisations around the country have a long tradition of hosting major receptions on important days, upsetting tax-payers who believe these organisations should be spending the money to relieve people of their poverty.
Mr Sila said the ministry was drafting a notice to all state organisations around the country, which will put the order into effect by the end of this month. He said organisations that failed to follow the order would be investigated.
A number of traders have expressed concerns that once the order is put into practice it will lower public spending, as more people will feel they should save their money.
They say the order is a signal to people to save their money, and could have a strong negative impact on vendors. Traders argued low consumption and purchasing power would in turn discourage people from producing goods for sale.
They said the government should maintain spending and encourage people to invest in the production of goods, which is associated with increased employment and economic growth. State Auditing Organisation Vice President, Mr Bounthong Keomahavong, who was involved in drafting the order, said it was not the intention of the order to discourage spending.
Let them drink, let them eat and let them enjoy life once a year as long as they don't corrupt or affect anyone. Anyway, don't drink and drive. Happy New Year 2009
If our government wants to cut back to keep less drunk drivers off roads it our internal business, so you American wants to be just enjoy your freedom and let us be....YOU people are bunch of cry babies!! One thing I notice about you fake Lao, you all are just full of talks.
it would be sensible to take on a more conservative spending policy. we are not living in the golden era anymore. the world is moving toward a darker economic time. the crisis of capitalism is here and a rainly day is coming in 2009. we are in a global depression with stock market losing half of it's value. russia, india, vietnam, indonesia....are all raising import tariffs on products coming in their country, an attempt to save the domestic companies from the economic effect of a slow world economy.
it is time to save your kips if you can. turn off lights and save energy.
If our government wants to cut back to keep less drunk drivers off roads it our internal business, so you American wants to be just enjoy your freedom and let us be....YOU people are bunch of cry babies!! One thing I notice about you fake Lao, you all are just full of talks.
all yeah you are right about that. you wanna get fick your life and some body else it's yours problem. i just worry about my brothers, sister, family back home. there is nothing wrong if you worry and care about some one you love.
this is not for privateparties.. people remain free to do what they want... this is just for "state orgaised" partie... parties financed by the tax of lao people
If our government wants to cut back to keep less drunk drivers off roads it our internal business, so you American wants to be just enjoy your freedom and let us be....YOU people are bunch of cry babies!! One thing I notice about you fake Lao, you all are just full of talks.
Why you like to call us the fake Lao? And why you said it is our internal business? It is the same thing in America that policemen set up the check point to catch the drunken drivers in the U.S. cities streets and highways. You don't know anything about America and Lao-Americans.
You're a bunch of faked Lao and claim to love Laos more than us. Bull Sh.
if it is just a rule enforcible on government projects, its fine, but people who want to celebrate what they feel should be celebrated should be allowed to do so.