Poor laotians, We are so dumb, so idiot, so stupid. We always blame others for ours problems, we always want to give others bad name. But remember, our land were bigger than Thailand, vietnam, Mayama and cambodia. Look at the Laos now it look like a stinky bonly fish. And we still not know what to do. No matter who is in the government. we are all stinky corruptors. No matter chinesse or viet or thai come to Laos, as long as they bring some money for ours beers or wiskhy we always give them what they want, etc... Stop, please stop our stupidity and have the courage to look at us and see what we can do. We use to say that Thai lue are dumb, but REMEMBER. They live up at the top of Mekong Rever. When they poof it will come down to us and we drink the water from Mekong River. We use to say and still say that Meo are dumb, again REMRMBER they live up on the top of the mountain, same thing, when they poof it will go to the creek and the creek will come down to ours revers. An then we drink the water from the revers. I am not saying who is the dumbest, but let my lao louam figure out. And may be we can know what are we, and then may then we can be lest stupid to take care us properly, And then stop blame others stop give others bad name
Poor laotians, we are so dumb, so idiot and so stupid. And so we always find a way to blame others for ours problems, and give a bad name to others. But look at ourself straight in the eyes. Laos was bigger then Thailand, Mayama, Vietnam or cambodia. Now Laos is skiny look like a stinky bonely dead fish that have been under the sun for very longtime. We are one of poorest country in the world. In 1960 the earning per capita in Laos was more better than South Corea. Today South Corea is one of most developping country in the world. And we, Lao we still eating cow ****. We use to say that Thai Lue are dumb. But one thing to REMEMBER, Thai Lue or I should say Lao Lue are leaving up to the top of Mekong Rever. When they poop, it will into the Mekong River and so we drink the water from Mekong River. Same thing here, we use to say and still say that Meo are dumb. But here again the Meo live on the top of the mountain. When they poop it will go in the little creek and the little creek will run into ours rivers. And so we drink the water from ours rivers. I am try to show that who is the dumbest, but let lets fugire out together my people. In 1975 we Lao Louam said, Meo are stupid and crazy. But then here we go again we ran after the Meo. In the real world no one will run after a stupid guy. But We the laotians we ran after a stupid guy. So who is who. My poor fellow Laotians. look upon ourself and STOP blame others, STOP giving bad name to others. We are worse than them. We must fix ourself first. Stop eat cow ****. No matter who is in the government, we are all a bunch of stinky corruptors. No matter chinesse, viet, thai or who ever. We will give them all they want as long as they bring us some beers, some wiskhy or money. STOP STOP STOP
Sorry, for what I wrote. But I really want we Laotians understand who we are and how we are. We do know how to spell Laos or RDPL or what ever. But no one understand who and how we are. We always think that we are very smart, but in the reality we aren't. We are like any ordinary people in the world. I did purposely make a lot mistake in the writing. That way those who are thinking that he is smart will always think that I am some dumb guys out there. To me, since Laotians can not take care Laos then may be others can take care for us. It was always like that. Then some day or never we may figure out about ours future. But really I am very sorry for all Laotians and I know, sorry isn't good enough. But untill those who say they very smart figure out what to do then Laos may be Laos. Other than that forget about Laos my people. Any way the Embassador and his stuffs of RDPL in washington DC are nice enough to get a visa for visiting Laos. And the laotians in Laos will always survive, weither as a prime miniter of Laos or as a cleaner in a chinesse restaurant in Laos, he will still be a lao. And they both are paid by the chinesse any way. Long time ago Someone very important in Laos have said that ( nous les laotians nous ne ramassons que the miettes). And so we are there and will be there. If we or some of us always think that we are very smart. One more funy thing, u imagine a chinesse who don't speak lao who only own a restaurant or a hotel in Laos have the money to pay the prime miniter of Lao. And the the prime minister of Laos who supposely own the whole country of Laos who speak lao don't have money to pay for his own dinner. And so the dinner must be paid by onother chinesse. No wonder Laos need more chinesses, more vietnamesses and others. I mean we need several chinesses to feed one Lao, so figure out 50,000 or 200,000 chinesses what ever the number it isn't enough. sorry for my people
i had a chance to talk with a monk at vat that luang.( shouldnt named him,but can say HE HAS high position and he is wellknow monk in laos)
he said that kong karn ni mun kerd bor dai ka yon wa pasason tor tarn,lue mae tae samakom pa song eng ka bor hen ni..later he didnt go deep about this project but what the sentence he said that still in my head is
Poor laotians, we are so dumb, so idiot and so stupid. And so we always find a way to blame others for ours problems, and give a bad name to others. But look at ourself straight in the eyes. Laos was bigger then Thailand, Mayama, Vietnam or cambodia. Now Laos is skiny look like a stinky bonely dead fish that have been under the sun for very longtime. We are one of poorest country in the world. In 1960 the earning per capita in Laos was more better than South Corea. Today South Corea is one of most developping country in the world. And we, Lao we still eating cow ****. We use to say that Thai Lue are dumb. But one thing to REMEMBER, Thai Lue or I should say Lao Lue are leaving up to the top of Mekong Rever. When they poop, it will into the Mekong River and so we drink the water from Mekong River. Same thing here, we use to say and still say that Meo are dumb. But here again the Meo live on the top of the mountain. When they poop it will go in the little creek and the little creek will run into ours rivers. And so we drink the water from ours rivers. I am try to show that who is the dumbest, but let lets fugire out together my people. In 1975 we Lao Louam said, Meo are stupid and crazy. But then here we go again we ran after the Meo. In the real world no one will run after a stupid guy. But We the laotians we ran after a stupid guy. So who is who. My poor fellow Laotians. look upon ourself and STOP blame others, STOP giving bad name to others. We are worse than them. We must fix ourself first. Stop eat cow ****. No matter who is in the government, we are all a bunch of stinky corruptors. No matter chinesse, viet, thai or who ever. We will give them all they want as long as they bring us some beers, some wiskhy or money. STOP STOP STOP
Cow sh*t is good man. It shows you are true Lao. If you are not Lao shut the hell up!!
what you mean invaded. their goverment already paid for the land. did you forget about the stadium. just call call china town. they going to live and breath.
I just want you to know that I am one of your supporter. Thank you for speaking out for me. Sir, do you know 95% of Laotian people live in U.S. are not really Laotian? They try so hard to be somebody else. For example: Tai Dum people think they're Viet.,Tai Lue say they're Chinese,Hmong people have their own language, Loatian people claim they're Thai,and mixed Laos people feel ashamed to carry Laos last name. Some one even changed his last name to be Tran because his mother is Viet. Do you why we have so many temples built in one little small city? In my opinion, I believe they don't get along. Why? Because none of these leaders or believers and even monks are there to represent true Laos. All they do just try to bring each other down and they have so much jelousy and prejudice against each other but very friendly to another race. Sir, these people eat sticky rice, speak Laos language, and also wear Laos traditional clothes but deep inside their heart they believe they're not Laotian. Yes, we do have Laos country but we don't have enough 100% of Laotian people to run the whole system. This is one of our major problem that causes Loas country to become skinny and skinnier. It takes heart with pure blood and sacrifice to make nation stays strong and prosperous.
When Tai Lue and Hmong pooped on the Mekong River, Laos lum never have a chance to devour the best nutritions that our brothers can provide because fish and other creatures are too fast.
Very positive brother you are the best. My ideally, I want all lao to uhderstand who we are. for those of us who are in USA we need to remember that ours parents have endured enormous survival obstucles to bring us to USA and the other side they also have endured years and years in the jungle to see the victory. I want all the chidren of Laos to understand that we must forgive the past and come together and then build the Laos for a better then ours parents for ours children and the next generation to have a better place, and for the world can see that we aren't that bad. I know we do have many good and very good Lao. I know the sound of ours children of either side, when they cry for food, it sound the same. when we cry ours tears have the same color. And so we must help each other for a better Laos. And I do know there may never be a perfect solution. But we need to look upon ourslf and do what we can. Look at Siwissland, Siwissland is in the midle of Germany, France, Italy. The majority of their population is composed of French, German, Italian, Bulgarian and others. They are leaving in peace for centuries. No one have invaded Siwissland. I do know that the military budget of Siwissland is bigger than the French's one. First for Laos we shouldn't have to show up who is the smartest. We all born from and in the same land, no one is better. Stop fighting among us, stop corrupt among us. mostly STOP saying that "I am better than you" Stop the show up. Ours most destruction problen is that, we always say I am better than you, I am gonna take you down. Then be the time that ours story is ended, We all are down to the bottom. My brothers, the way that we behave in here or out there I can say only one thing in French please: person n'est ni vainceurs ni vaincus mais seulement celui qui a vecue c'est le peuple Lao.
You made me cry. Sorry, I don't understand French. Again, you are absolutely right. We need to come together to build a bright future for our children. Viet. and Chineses have done such a wonderful job. They take care their own children first before they can help somebody kids. Now, half of the land belong to Viet. and another half belong to Chin. Good job goes to them. It's sad to say we are not different from Esan, Thailand. Esan tried so hard to be Thai but those people never wanted them. Same as Loation in U.S.A., too. They want to be Viet or Chin. sadly they always got reject. Anyway, thank you brother. You're the best. From another billion years, your bone still remain Laos.
Man, you are speaking for yourself. How the hell you know 95% of Lao people here want to be Viet or Chinese? Did you go around the Nation of America and have surveys done on all Lao people? You probably see Lao people here and there at your little town that act like they wanna be Viet or Chinese. Don't categorize us of being Viet or Chinese wannabes. I fu*cking live in America for 25 years, came here as a baby; and I'm still Lao with Lao blood flowing through me every second. I will always be Lao 'til the day I died. I think there's a lot of us here probably are the same way as I am. I'm damn sure it's more than 5%!! So speak for yourself buddy!!
I don't give a damn how Laos is like. It can be the ****iest country in the world, and I will still love Laos and wouldn't want to be anybody else.
Be careful of what you are saying when you don't know the facts!!
Since you know so much, you must be one of them that wanted to be Viet or Chinese.
My good brother, the french should translate something like this: "no one will win and no one will loose but the only people who have to endure or suffer is Lao people. If you or anyone know and understand the French version it will boil in you very bad, if your have a heart inside your chest. But if you or anyone only have a stone inside their chest then it just for fun.
My good brother, the french should translate something like this: "no one will win and no one will loose but the only people who have to endure or suffer is Lao people. If you or anyone know and understand the French version it will boil in you very bad, if your have a heart inside your chest. But if you or anyone only have a stone inside their chest then it just for fun.
If you are so lao then show me instead being so mad. Have you done anything for Lao or in the name of Lao. I bit you don't even care about your mom and your dad or any elders who have suffered a lot to bring you here. I know that the old generation have done anything to teach ours new generation about what had happened, and how we got here. But I want the new generation who are supposely been more educated to ask questions and so they can unsterdand instead just being so mad when something like this pop up on their face. One thing I like you to know is that: if you don't have the chance, you don't know or you don't want to know, you don't have the courage to look something right in the face. That something will hit you right in the face, it will hurt you very bad and you will be very mad, my young brther. Like many people in here, they have no idea who they are. They went back to the country and have so much fun with foods, drinks, young girls etc... And so they say everthing is fine. But they forget that they have fun because they have dollar bills and didn't last very long. If they are to live over there and no dollar bills . They probably have to have their daughter to sell her body fo food. Or being a cleaner in one of those chinesse's restaurant or Thai's hoel. Think, think, brother think. I know some of us, it isn't that we don't think, we just don't care. We just want to have fun first and being mad later right?
Now, half of the land belong to Viet. and another half belong to Chin.
Sorry to say, you don't know anything about Laos, but you talk rubbish. No any piece of Lao land that belongs to Vietnam or China. Lao people, who live in Laos, are the real owners of Laos.
Please come to visit Laos to see the reality by your own eyes, if you don't believe me.
-- Edited by TSP on Saturday 4th of April 2009 12:51:19 AM
This comment is a constructive feedback for Lao governmentso if there are any children of the Lao government who access this website, please tell your dad and your mom about this feedback in order to make them take this in consideration.
Actually the information that I know is only from the media, I do not kow what is the real situation in Laos and I do not know whether the news is true or not. Therefore, I would like to provide 2 feed backs to the Lao government. This feedback includes both cases where the news we heard is true and the case where the new is distorting the reality or untrue. Most importantly I give this feed back because I love my country.
1. If the news is true:
Why do we need a lot of Chinese people to come to Laos? If we allow them to come to Laos as investors, it would be fine but why do we need to allow more than 100 or 1000 Chinese people coming to live in Laos as investors just only for one project? In many countries such as in Cambodia for example, even they allow Korean investors to invest billions of dollars in a very very very very very very very big project, they still do not allow 100 or 1000 people from Korea to live there. Therefore, to allow hundreds or thousands of Chinese people to live in Laos as investors or as residents is absolutely unreasonable idea. That means the project is likely to benefit Chinese people rather than the local lao people.
The other disadvantages of local Lao people is that they are asked to leave their home from the project site with only unreasonable compensation. Then why do we have to force Lao people to leave their places for the benefit of hundreds or thousands of Chinese people?
The other disadvantage for the country is that, even Lao people, who do not like the idea of allowing hundreds or thousands of Chinese people to live as investors or residents, can not talk any things, in the long term they may have some negative feeling about the government so this is not good for the country. Moreover, there may be a conflict between Chinese and Lao local people when most rich people are Chinese whereas most poor people are Lao. This happens already in Indonesia.
Interestingly, it is so proud if Lao people can contribute to the Lao sivilisation development.
It is not good if the country is rich or has sivilisation when in reality most people who enjoy the most sivilisation are Chinese background people. This happens now in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.
Now we are looked down by other nations. For example, when Thai people see rich Lao people, they always think that those Lao rich people are not real Lao but Chinese background people. Do we like that?
2. If the news is untrue.
If the government allows only ten or twenty or below 100 Chinese people to live as investors not hundreds or thousands of Chinese people to come to live as investor in only one project, I strongly appreciate the government. Then what I want the government to do is: The rent of the land from Chinese people should be shared with those who are asked to live the place.
Lastly, please remember that in the new city development area project invested by Korean investors in Cambodia which is much bigger bigger bigger bigger and bigger than the Chinese project in Thadluang area, Laos, the Cambodian government does not allow hundreds or thousands of Korean people to live in that project neither as investors nor as residents .
Why do we need a lot of Chinese people to come to Laos? If we allow them to come to Laos as investors, it would be fine but why do we need to allow more than 100 or 1000 Chinese people coming to live in Laos as investors just only for one project? In many countries such as in Cambodia for example, even they allow Korean investors to invest billions of dollars in a very very very very very very very big project, they still do not allow 100 or 1000 people from Korea to live there. Therefore, to allow hundreds or thousands of Chinese people to live in Laos as investors or as residents is absolutely unreasonable idea. That means the project is likely to benefit Chinese people rather than the local lao people.
Sadly to say your information is too out of date. There is no one Chinese person living beyond the Lao law, which stipulated that any foreingner needs to have a legal document to do business in Laos.
Lao government always welcome foreign investors from all countries around the world to do business in Laos, regardless their races. The more investors, the more happy Lao people would feel. In that case, Lao people would have new jobs, which means life of our people would be improved.
Your are in France, in USA or in Canada, why don't you come to do business in Laos? I think Lao government invites the Lao foreigners to do business in Laos as well.
Business people would never talk rubbish. Never be shy to make your dream come true.
-- Edited by TSP on Sunday 5th of April 2009 01:35:26 AM
THere are only people who know how to corrupt can do business in lao. soon the business will be confiscated by the cousins, uncles or the lao authorities, as many have happened. I haven't see any chinesse or vietnamesse in the reeducation camp or prison in Laos, but many lao yes. Because no lao or lao government can touch others then lao foreigners, when besiness go wrong. You can't tell me that only Chinesses and vietnamesses are perfected in the business and are no mistake from those people. Only lao foreigners did and do make mistake in the business?. You are so pathetic. For exemple at the airport or any port entree to Laos: All lao freigners have to pay extra money to get their passport cleared faster or properly. All the others foreigners don't have to pay anything. in the street, if a lao freigner get stop for whatever reason that lao foreigner must pay a pride to be let go. I haven't see any others foreigners get stop other then lao foreigners. You know at the airport or any port of entree to Laos, if you slip a bill of 20, 50 $ or more in your passport everything is fine. If not there many questions, many checks etc.... I did have my own experience, I went there last year with my co-work. She is a teacher from the school that also teach. When we got to the Wat ty Airport in Vientiane . The authority there make me pay $50 because I am a Lao- American. But my co-work who is American- American, she did have to pay any dime. She have to wait long time for me, because I refuge to pay at first. She was so mad about that I am a Lao-American and I have to pay $50. But I tald her it'is OK they are so corrupted. You think with those kind of crap I gonna go do business in Laos? Never and ever. Pretty soon my business wiil be over to those same people hand, unless I don't speak Lao and whatever I say won't be kown then they will leave me alone. Chinesses and vietnamesses or others don't speak lao and whatever they say no one know, so they are safe. Me, I speak lao, if I have any compain the authority will just put me in jail or poison me. I will go there if there no more place on earth, I let my place in Laos for my neigbor chinesse or who ever want it. Or I will go there when I can change my name to call Mr Wong or Mr Ngen van thran. No thank you, and very sorry for the inconvenience. I went there one time, NO MORE. Young girls in china, vietnam, Thailand, Korea or Singapore are a lot better
I only speak for the truth and the truth. and may be I will go there when there are only Chinesses or vetnamesses or others.That way or at least they don't have the mind set that I was and I am an ennemy. I have never done anything to anyone, Where ever I go there are only welcoming. I don't mean that I was in trouble in Laos. I just hate the way they treat Lao foreigner. Thank you, Thank you Laos. Iwill wait untill all Laos belong to China or Vietnam, or any others.
Please, please, please, don't ever say that no one can't live about the law in Laos. You are a liar, liar, liar. If you have the money and the power in Laos no one can touch you. But if You are a Lao foreigner you just need to shut your mouth. Oh I have another story: I do have a friend who's wife was so proud about Laos, she took all her saving and 401k and go to Laos to do business. She is dead now, her daughter found out that she was poisoned by one of her niece, cool story ha. Now my friend is here and have to work very hard to pay back some money that they have borrowed. Sorry for the scary story.
Thank you Lao people keep poison your own people and soon chinesses, vietnamesses or others won't have to do anything they just walk in Laos. Thank you and keep up the good work, job well done.