I dont really think this kind of songs and MV is the promotion of Lao song industry and the fine culture of Lao people. It rather devalues our long standing tradition and culture and reflects the negative thinking of those composers and producers who only care about their enjoyment and profits.
what can you say, they are lao and the producer must have sex on his mind and that is all the words he can find to put on his music.I know that they are more brain people in Lao listen to Cream, Freshy, and 99 degree they have better language for their songs than this one.....
Is this really Lao music, I mean...is it not from Isarn? not that i'm saying Lao girls can't get wild, believe me they do. I can't read the sub, but I do know that only a bit differences in Lao/Thai letters. What I'm saying aren't commie governments all like censoring this...or they're behing this, like behind in bed.