No corrections and excellent. Buddhism is the only religion that meet with science and don't believe in creator who claims to create the universe in 7 days and the earth is only 6000 years old. Buddhism meditation is the mind therapy. Who know more about the law of nature and the law of physic agree with Buddhism about the Big Bang, the Big Rip, the black hole , dark matter , dark energy . Well, is your choice to believe if you are intelligent enough and study carefully about the truth of Buddhism. Even Albert Einstein still agree with.
Thank you for English lesson, specially spelling. I just copy the guy who shows the video . Wow! is that you , the photo ? You are beautiful . You have very pretty eyes and I really love your smile. Well, hope we could talk again or may be meet . Take care bye... Regular guy.......
5555555 here's another photo..hehe ... do you like it ?
....and I've just given birth to a child not long time ago
WoW You are really beautiful . You really have very pretty eyes and very lovely smile. Well , it is very nice of you to show me your beautiful photos. How old are these photos. When you are pregnant ,you are still look gorgeous . It seems to me that you are not only beautiful but very well educated and also very intelligent lady as well. I just wonder who is the luck guy that you picked and chose and marry to . I wish that if I Could have the beautiful lady like you in my arms what the wonderful world it would be. Well, A wish is just only a wish ..with a little of luck and a lot of love one day I might be lucky and find a good beautiful lady like you . Then I would like to spend the rest of life with her.