the iraq war has happent just because Bush wants to fill in his desire, Bush is a monster , the most selfish people in the world. the shoes are fit with his attitude! if i were a iraqi i will throw **** to his face!
A Saudi businessman has offered $10 million for one of the shoes thrown by an Iraqi journalist at U.S. President George Bush in Baghdad, Saudi television reported on Tuesday.
During a press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nour Maliki on Sunday, Muntazer al-Zaidi, a correspondent for the Cairo-based al-Baghdadiya TV channel, hurled his shoes at the U.S. president, shouting in Arabic, "This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, dog." He was then overpowered by security personnel and taken away.
In Arabic culture showing the soles of shoes is considered a serious insult. Neither of the shoes, which Bush later told journalists were "a size 10," hit their target.
What happened to the footwear is unclear, although they are thought to have been seized as evidence by the Iraqi security service, or perhaps taken as a souvenir by a member of the Bush administration.
Saudi businessman has offered $10 million for one of the shoes thrown by an Iraqi journalist at U.S. President George Bush in Baghdad, Saudi television reported on Tuesday.
A Saudi businessman has offered $10 million for one of the shoes thrown by an Iraqi journalist at U.S. President George Bush in Baghdad, Saudi television reported on Tuesday.
During a press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nour Maliki on Sunday, Muntazer al-Zaidi, a correspondent for the Cairo-based al-Baghdadiya TV channel, hurled his shoes at the U.S. president, shouting in Arabic, "This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, dog." He was then overpowered by security personnel and taken away.
In Arabic culture showing the soles of shoes is considered a serious insult. Neither of the shoes, which Bush later told journalists were "a size 10," hit their target.
What happened to the footwear is unclear, although they are thought to have been seized as evidence by the Iraqi security service, or perhaps taken as a souvenir by a member of the Bush administration.
yes, Mr. Bush is teroirist and dictator no: 1 in the world, the accident is the out come of his wrong doing and western democracy, American can win the battle feld but never will the war .
that is freedom, that Bush want to give to other., now they use they freedom to throw the shoe at him. , Bush do a good job,. that is the result of freedom. i think Bush happy now poeple use they freedom with him.eieieieie.
Anonymous wrote: You just look at the comments about Laos from Lao Traitors from USA, who follow Bush' suit. ?can you please be more specific ?I like to know the specific comments please
and who are the traitors? ?are you referring to a group of people or individuals
?which of bush's suit are you referring to ?any specific point that stands out
tinkothorne wrote:i mean why categorize everyone or paint ppl outside of the laos pdr with the same impression that you have of bush. Anonymous wrote: Oh! to show them we also can act and have a democracy with American style. are you talking about freedom of expression and having choices to criticize?
my comment however was intended to point out the inaccuracy of grouping a large population of people to one man, bush.
wow, ive read all about it in tyhe papers and wires, but ive never seen it until now. did you see the look of embarassment on his face? haha. and boy, he is very good at ducking shoes.
Yes, our Laocean people (Lao Nork) also like to act not much different with Cowboy Bush.
One day they may get the same what Bush got when they come to visit Laos.
I don't know what the hell you are talking about buddy! Lao nork are open-minded, more educated, and respectful then you Lao nai or Lao ban nork like you. I've been back to Laos before and I've done nothing, but had been polite and respectful to everybody and the country. I have seen a lot of you Loa nai bashing us. I don't know why, is it because we live in a better country than you are or we have money to throw around in Laos and you can't be like us? Please let me know. I've have seen so many Lao nai came to America and complain, and complain how much they hate America; but I don't see any of them go back to Laos. I would even pay them and buy them a plane ticket to go back, and they wouldn't.
If you had never been in a Thai refugee camp, you will never know or appriciate America. I am proud to be Lao American. If you have nothing better to say, don't say it. At the end of the day, we are all Lao. This is why we are so weak because we don't unit.
that is freedom, that Bush want to give to other., now they use they freedom to throw the shoe at him. , Bush do a good job,. that is the result of freedom. i think Bush happy now poeple use they freedom with him.eieieieie.
Actually, Bush acts on behalf of American people, though