I am sure most of us here probably knew someone who is having a hepatitis B , dying or died of a liver cancer of some sort, perhaps the worst part is that you are carrying Hepatitis B virus without knowing.
More and more Laotian lives are lost from this disease, more than AIDS and Chicken Flu combined together, still Lao government hasn't done anything about it, they tend to focus on AIDS and Chicken Flu virus, but NON on Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer which kill more Laotian lives than AIDS and Chicken Flu.
Laotian is top of the list when it comes to Hepatitis and Liver Cancer, that's right No. 1 on the list. It's about time we are doing something about it.
Hepatitis can be avoided or eradicated if all Laotian population have a hepatitis vaccination shot at birth. This is a good investment for the people and the country.
How much has Lao government done for Hepatitis and liver cancer awareness? I wonder.
The link is a very useful information about Hepatitis B and Liver Cancer. I hope we are taking something out from this presentation.
Hygiene is vey important is the rule to live and have a healthy life. Wash the hands before touching or eating meal and food with hands, that's the very basic first thing first for us to do. Cook food properly, avoid eating food which you see it may not be safe, or lack of Hygiene. For Lao government the best things to do is Education for people in rural areas, Posters showing step by step about HYGIENE before taking food or meal by hand.